Tag: watercolor

  • Kjørlaug Farm 2

    Kjørlaug Farm 2

    Watercolor & Ink

    2 – 4×6 inch pieces

    My “Kjørlaug Farm” pictures are odes to the old way of working the land. Since at least as far back at 1780 The Kjørlaug Farm was home to generations of cultivators in my family tree, bringing life up from the dirt. I’m imagining the land in Rosemaling style.

    If the title does not say [SOLD] then this piece is still available. I am willing to do prints of [SOLD] artwork only. Contact me if interested in Kjørlaug Farm 2

  • Kjørlaug Farm 1

    Kjørlaug Farm 1

    Watercolor & Ink

    5×5 inches

    My “Kjorlaug Farm” pictures are odes to the old way of working the land. Since at least as far back at 1780 The Kjorlaug Farm was home to generations of cultivators in my family tree, bringing life up from the dirt. I’m imagining the land in Rosemaling style.

    If the title does not say [SOLD] then this piece is still available. I am willing to do prints of [SOLD] artwork only. Contact me if interested in Kjørlaug Farm 1

  • City Lines 3

    City Lines 3

    Watercolor & Ink

    4×6 inches

    My “City Lines” pictures are musings on the way people view the world through wires. I have found an opposing sense of division and connection in my observations. But the beauty is there for those who see, especially in cities. 

    If the title does not say [SOLD] then this piece is still available. I am willing to do prints of [SOLD] artwork only. Contact me if interested in City Lines 3.

  • City Lines 2

    City Lines 2

    Watercolor & Ink

    5×7 inches

    My “City Lines” pictures are musings on the way people view the world through wires. I have found an opposing sense of division and connection in my observations. But the beauty is there for those who see, especially in cities. 

    If the title does not say [SOLD] then this piece is still available. I am willing to do prints of [SOLD] artwork only. Contact me if interested in City Lines 2.

  • Tre


    4×4 inches. Watercolor & Ink

    ”Three” in Norwegian

    I adore triangles. Need I say more?

    If the title does not say [SOLD] then this piece is still available. I am willing to do prints of [SOLD] artwork only. Contact me if interested in Myk Vind 1.

  • Myk Vind 2

    Myk Vind 2

    4×6 inches Watercolor & Ink

    Means “Soft Wind” in Norwegian.

    Rosemaling is the folk art that moves like the wind, unbound, flowing as it wills. Every Rosemaling piece I paint is shifting as I create, then landing in a different place than I expect.

    If the title does not say [SOLD] then this piece is still available. I am willing to do prints of [SOLD] artwork only. Contact me if interested in Myk Vind 2.

  • Myk Vind 1

    Myk Vind 1

    4×6 Watercolor and Ink

    Means “Soft Wind” in Norwegian.

    Rosemaling is the folk art that moves like the wind, unbound, flowing as it wills. Every Rosemaling piece I paint is shifting as I create, then landing in a different place than I expect.

    Myk Vind 1

    If the title does not say [SOLD] then this piece is still available. I am willing to do prints of [SOLD] artwork only. Contact me if interested in Myk Vind 1.

  • Norwegian Cupboard #2

    Norwegian Cupboard #2

    In the old Norwegian homes they painted on every door frame and cupboard, making the mundane flourish for all who lived there.

    Watercolor and Ink. 8×12 inches. Available for rehoming at gallery840.

    Norwegian Cupboard

  • Norwegian Cupboard #1 [SOLD]

    Norwegian Cupboard #1 [SOLD]

    In the old Norwegian homes they painted on every door frame and cupboard, making the mundane flourish for all who lived there.

    Watercolor and Ink. 8×12 inches. Available for rehoming at gallery840 in Allentown, PA

    Norwegian Cupboard #1https://gallery840.square.site/product/norwegian-cupboard-1/935?cp=true&sa=true&sbp=false&q=false
  • Quilted Rosemaling [SOLD]

    Quilted Rosemaling [SOLD]

    The intertwining of two grandmothers — one Swedish seamstress & one Norwegian painter, the stitches and strokes of their lives quilted into mine.

    On display at the Square Halo Gallery, Lancaster, PA, for the Inklings Conference “Ordinary Saints.” For sale at gallery840 in Allentown, PA.

    Quilted Rosemaling